
Welcome to Sydwest Asian Christian Church.

Cnr Hill and Hughes Streets, Cabramatta NSW 2166

Phone: 02 8747 1124

Service Times

English Morning Service: Sundays 9:45am

主日崇拜: Sundays 11:15am
(國語/粵語 Mandarin/Cantonese)

Youth Service: Sundays 11:15am


Online Offertory

If you are a regular member of Sydwest and would like to give your offertory online, or if you would like to financially support the Gospel ministry in Cabramatta, you can now do it online using the following account:

Account Name: Sydwest Asian Christian Church Sunday School
BSB No: 062 130
Account No: 1007 7887


Our Mission

Our mission is to reach out to everyone that God has placed in our lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and helping them grow as faithful followers of Christ, so that together we will bear witness of God’s glory to the world.


Our Vision

We envision being a church that uses its unique ethnic backgrounds to intentionally go and make disciples of Jesus Christ, both here in Sydney, and to the world.


Core Values

  1. Bible
  2. Worship
  3. Prayer
  4. Discipleship
  5. Fellowship
  6. Outreach
  7. Ministry
  8. Stewardship
  9. Family

Pastoral Team

Contact Us

If you need someone to pray or just want to say hello, please feel free to message us!